
dA: HTML Formatting

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Ravyre's avatar

Literature Text

What is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It's used when making a website, and available to use on deviantART to customise what you are writing.

Once you memorise the HTML, it's pretty easy and fun to use.

You can find some codes on the deviantART FAQ #104, but they don't give you all of them.

You can use the codes I am about to give you in artist comments, journal entries, blog entries, profile pages, and more importantly comments!

Literature pieces have less codes available to use than what I just mentioned, but there's still a fair few you can play around with. :)
especially everyone's favourite emoticons. :giggle:


Place <b> at the beginning of your sentence and </b> at the end for it to appear in bold.
Example: <b>Bold</b> turns into Bold.

You can also use <strong></strong> instead of <b> </b>.
Example: <strong>Strong</strong> turns into Strong.


Place <u> at the beginning of your sentence and </u> at the end for it to be underlined.
Example: <u>Underline</u> turns into Underline


Place <i> at the beginning of your sentence and </i> at the end for it to be in italics.
Example: <i>Italics</i> turns into Italics

<em> and </em> can be used instead of <i></i>. It stands for emphasis, and does the exact same thing:
Example: <em>Emphasis</em> turns into Emphasis


Place <sup>at the beginning of your sentence and </sup> at the end for it to be in Superscript.
Example: <sup>Superscript</sup> turns into Superscript.


While Subscript and Superscript look similar, they are in fact different.

Place <sub> at the beginning of your sentence and </sub> at the end for it to be in Supscript.
Example: <sub>Suprscript</sub> turns into Subscript

See? Superscript floats up at the top, while Subscript goes down low.
hai hai hai hai hai <- You can create funky things like this when playing with Subscript and Superscript

and can be used to make font go small like <sub></sub> and <sup></sup>.
However, and do not work in literature submission, so I can't show you an exmaple. :noes:

Block Quote

Place <blockquote> at the beginning of your sentence and </blockquote> at the end for it to place indent a block of text, and place it on a new line.
Example: <blockquote>Block Quote</blockquote> turns into
Block Quote

Strike Text

Place <strike> at the beginning of your sentence and </strike> at the end for it to place a strike through what you have written.
Example: <strike>Strike Text</strike> turns into Strike Text

Code Font

Place <code> at the beginning of your sentence and </code> at the end for it to be written in a Code Font
Example: <code>Code Font</code> turns into Code Font

You can swap <code> for <tt> and get the same result.
<tt> stands for Teletype Text.

Definite List, Description and Term

<dl> Definite List
<dd> Definite Description
<dt> Definite Term

You start with <dl>
Underneath you then write <dd> and </dd> with what it is you will describe.
Underneath that you write <dt> and </dt> with the description.
You close it with </dl>

<dt>Something you write with</dt>
<dt>Something you write with</dt>

Horizontal Rule

You can write <hr> or <hr/> to get a horizontal rule, like what I have been using to separate my sections.


Place <li> in front of each item you are listing to create an organised list, you have to place </li> at the end before starting the next one.

I want:
<li>Ham</li> <li>Eggs</li> <li>Marmalade</li>

I want:
  • Ham
  • Eggs
  • Maramlade

Ordered List

Place <ol> at the beginning before <li> to number your list.

I want: <ol> <li>Ham</li>

I want:
  1. Ham
  2. Eggs
  3. Maramlade

Unordered List

You simply replace <ol> with <ul>

I want: <ul> <li>Ham</li>

I want:
  • Ham
  • Eggs
  • Maramlade


Place <p> at the beginning of a sentence and </p> at the end to get a paragraph.

Example: Toph and I went for a walk. <p>After our walk, we went for a pony ride</p>

Toph and I went for a walk.

After our walk, we went for a pony ride.

Aligning Text

To centre align text you type: <div align="center"> with a closing tag of </div>
To right align text you type: <div align="right"> with a closing tag of </div>

Text is already aligned to the left on deviantART, but to align it to the left, you swap either "right" or "center" and type "left"



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N1ghtWhisper's avatar
their not working for me in comments anymore?