
dA: HTML Linking

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What is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It's used when making a website, and available to use on deviantART to customise what you are writing.

Once you memorise the HTML, it's pretty easy and fun to use.

You can find some codes on the deviantART FAQ #104, but they don't give you all of them.

You can use the codes I am about to give you in artist comments, journal entries, blog entries, profile pages, and more importantly comments!

Literature pieces have less codes available to use than what I just mentioned, but there's still a fair few you can play around with. :)
especially everyone's favourite emoticons. :giggle:

Avatar Linking

:iconusername: swap "username" for a deviant's actual username and you will create a link to their page with their avatar.

:iconRavyre: becomes :iconravyre:

Username Linking

:devusername: swap "username" for a deviant's actual username and you will create a link to their page with their username.

:devRavyre: becomes Ravyre


<a href="">deviantART</a> turns into a link, like so: deviantART

<a> stands for anchor.
You don't close the anchor straight away, you leave it open with a space for the next piece of code.

href stands for Hypertext Reference. It tells <a> what to open.

In between the quotation marks to place you web address.

Then you close the open <a with the >

After that, you type the name of your link.

Finally, you close it off with </a>

What you type:
<a href="">deviantART</a>

What it turns into:

What it means:
<Anchor Hypertext Reference="Web address">Name of link</Anchor>


<abbr title="Be Right Back">BRB</abbr> opens up a little window when you hover over the underlined word to tell you what that word means. BRB.

The code spells out a sentence just as it does for Anchor.

In this case it means:
<Abbreviation title="The word you are explaining the meaning of">Word being used</Abbreviation>

You can even use Abbreviation for links.

What you type:
<abbr title="Where Art meets application"><a href="">deviantART</a></abbr>

What it turns into:

What it means:
<Abbreviation title="Where Art meets application"><Anchor Hypertext Reference="Web Address">Name of link</Anchor></Abbreviation>


<acronym title="ta ta for now">TTFN</acronym> does exactly the same as Abbreviation, and can be used in the same way.

You can even use Acronym for links, just like Abbreviation, however, it leaves a dotted line underneath.

What you type:
<acronym title="Where Art meets application"><a href="">deviantART</a></acronym>

What it turns into:

What it means:
<Acronym title="Where Art meets application"><Anchor Hypertext Reference="Web Address">Name of link</Anchor></Acronym>

Anchor Linking

Even simpler than both Abbreviation and Acronym is Anchor Linking.
It has a smooth clean line like Abbreviation and not a dotted line like Acronym.

What you type:
<a title="Where Art meets application" href="">deviantART</a>

What it turns into:

What it means:
<Anchor title="Where Art meets application" Hypertext Reference="Web Address">Name of Link</Anchor>
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